Spay/Neuter Agreement

Permanent ownership of this dog is contingent upon your compliance with this Spay/Neuter Agreement. Proof of the spay/neuter must be received by the Lakefront Labradoodles LLC within 6 months after receiving your puppy.

In the event that surgery is not done, Lakefront Labradoodles LLC must be provided with a statement from your veterinarian that this dog is not yet in physical or emotional condition for surgery. Based upon the veterinarian’s evaluation of this dog the PURCHASER will contact the veterinarian and establish the earliest date that the procedure can be performed. PURCHASER will notify Lakefront Labradoodles LLC of this date in writing, at which time all other conditions of this agreement will apply and be enforced.

It is the responsibility of the PURCHASER, not the veterinarian, to ensure that Lakefront Labradoodles LLC receives verification that the surgery has been performed. Failure to comply with this agreement by the date below, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by all parties, will be considered a breach of the Contract.

I agree to have this dog spayed/neutered by no later than ___________________. I understand that this spay/neuter agreement is an agreement that this dog will NOT produce a litter of puppies either as purposely bred or by accidental breeding. If a pregnancy occurs whether purposely or accidentally, I agree to pay the additional cost for a breeding dog which is $8000.

Purchaser’s Signature: ______________________________    Date:_____________________

Purchaser’s Name: (please print):     ______________________________________________

Address City: _________________________________________________________________

State:    ______________________________ Zip: _____________________

Telephone number (home):(____________________)  (work):(____________________)  

Email: _______________________________________________________

Deposit __________  Received on: __________ Balance due: __________

Gender:  _________ Date of Birth: ___________

Breeder’s Signature: ______________________________    Date:_____________________